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The Amazing SpiderDad


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Der Parkoursportler und Vater Mike Wilson hat sich für seinen inzwischen leider verstorbenen Sohn Jayden in Spiderman verwandelt. Diesmal allerdings nicht nur via Kostüm, sondern gleich in einem ganzen Kurzfilm. 
Und zwar in einem, der hier und da durchaus mit Hollywood mithalten kann (selbst, wenn nicht, ist er immer noch besser als die letzten zwei Spidermänner). Mit einem Klick auf's Video unterstützt ihr nebenbei eine Charity-Aktion. Wenn ich nicht schon einen tollen Vater hätte, würd' ich wahrscheinlich den nehmen. 
"The SpiderDad Film was inspired by my son Jayden who sadly lost his 18 month battle at Christmas to a Grade 4 Brain Stem Tumor called, Glyoblastoma Multi-Forme. Before he died, we began filming with the full intention of giving Jayden his very own Premiere at home, with drinks and popcorn. Just like at the cinema. I was very passionate about making this look and feel as real as possible for our little super hero. Even to the finest details of webbing effects, stunts, the Spiderman suit and generally providing a feel good energy about the film.
Sadly, the little fighter became very ill, and his very own Premiere wasn’t able to happen. It became a dedication project to the bravest, and most courageous little boy we know, always willing to give a smile and thumbs up at even the most difficult of times. In addition, we wanted this to also raise awareness and money for the charity who gave our family so much support whilst caring for Jayden, as well as the continued after care for our entire family and his big sister Ella.

We’ve been working closely with my YouTube partner, Rightster / Flow to help with the promotion and monetization of the video. 100% the money raised through Views and Ads will go direct to Naomi House. The concept of this fund raising Spiderman video is simple. Watch and Share to as many people as you can. The best part is, you don't need to part with any money to donate. YouTube does the rest.

I have so many people to thank, who helped make this possible, so I’ve tried list them all below.

Hope you enjoy, and don’t forget to share.

Thank you for all your support.

Love from Jayden's Family"


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