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14 Tage Quarantäne auf den Malediven


Falls ihr euch gefragt habt, wie es eigentlich wäre, wenn ihr jetzt durch einen Corona-Fall während eures Urlaubs z.B. auf den Malediven in Quarantäne müsst: Entspannt. Allerdings müsstet ihr euch die Insel aktuell u.a. mit 59 Österreichern und einer Britin teilen, die es wohl hätte schlimmer treffen können. Tja. Zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort gewesen.

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? #coronavirus ANSWERS to the questions you’ve asked ... See my highlight but long story short we’re stuck on @kuredu_island_resort at the mo because of coronavirus ... ⭐️ WHAT WE’RE ALLOWED TO DO: free to move around the island as usual, just no boat trips/excursions ... ⭐️ ARE PEOPLE STOCKPILING? *When suncream is $33 a pop, you can’t really afford to ? the shops have the basics like toothpaste but they’re pretty limited so would be tricky! yet to see people stealing loo rolls from the store cupboard ? *More concerned for the people with little children - nappies etc? as it’s an island, everything is imported which has all been stopped right now & have no clue what they’ve got stored. ... ⭐️ AM I SCARED? Obviously it’s not ideal to be on an island where 3 people have been removed because they’ve been tested positive for coronavirus. Not especially nice for someone with ME, coeliac disease & a poor immune system. But ultimately there isn’t anyone else on the island who has symptoms right now so we’re trying to remain calm and keep it all in perspective. That doesn’t mean we don’t panic when we hear someone sneeze ? guess that’s to be expected- Hand sanitiser at the ready!!! Let’s just say it doesn’t feel like a relaxing holiday ??‍♀️ ... ⭐️ HOTEL COST: the hotel are currently letting us stay in our rooms free of charge. Thank goodness because it is not cheap! ⭐️ FOOD COST: people who were all inclusive before are now full board (so we get all our food included but limited to water outside of meal times). Pretty generous... although I am in need of cocktails right now haha!! ⭐️ PLANE COST: we don’t know yet ? @british_airways hasnt released guidance because we can’t leave anyway. & THEYRE IMPOSSIBLE TO REACH!! ?? If the airline doesn’t fund it we’ll have to go through our insurance when we’re home... annoyingly I’m with @hsbc_uk travel insurance through my bank account and their limit is tiny ? going to be a nightmare if they start charging for the hotel too because the budget is blown in one night ? ... ⚠️ Before you leave for a holiday, get hold of your insurance & airplane 24/7 phone number. Surprisingly tough/impossible to get anyone here. . #kuredu

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Jess Galsworthy - Gluten Free (@jessicaskitchen_gf) am

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