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Celluloid Wizards in the Video Wasteland (Traier) | Trash-Doku über eines der berühmtesten B-Movie-Studios der 80er


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Eine mit Erfolg gekickstarter'te Trash-Doku über Empire Pictures, die den Aufstieg und Zerfall des berühmtberüchtigsten B-Movie Studios der 80er zeigt. Der Teasertrailer dazu gibt euch einen 3-minütigen Sci-Fi-Alien-Monster-Splatter-Trash-Overload (inklusive stilechter Synthesizermucke), bei dem sogar Tele5 neidisch wird.

"Celluloid Wizards in the Video Wasteland: The Saga of Empire Pictures" is an ALL-NEW feature documentary about the rise and fall of Empire Pictures, the most ambitious B-movie studio in the 1980's. While other independent film companies were targeting the growing home video market, producer Charles Band ("The Pupper Master" series) was releasing low-budget horror and fantasy features to drive-in's and multiplexes around the world.
The early runaway box office success of films like, "Re-Animator" and "Ghoulies", paved the foundation for Empire's wildly imaginative slate of motion pictures. But what led the youthful studio to crash and burn upon the sticky floors of empty movie theaters?
The thrilling saga of Empire Pictures is told through the eyes of the innovative team of filmmakers and film professionals who worked together to reinvent and reinvigorate the independent film industry in the 1980's.
The documentary also features never-before-seen footage, production stills, and rare glimpses at the motion pictures that were in development when the studio was dramatically seized by the bank. 


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